Vacation Time

After a 2 week vacation, had to go back to work today : ( Had an awesome trip though. The family climbed in the car and promptly placed 4300 miles of the odometer after a 7 state trip. States visited were;

  • Idaho, really liked Sandpoint
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California, drove the whole coastline, blew through San Francisco and popped inland to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite, back to the coast near Monteray Bay down along the rest of the coast line, spent a week in San Diego and visited Sea World, San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • Utah I think Ethan watched Dumbo a 100 times and never saw any of the scenery.

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115 Words

2003-10-06 20:00 -0400